Fail Festivals & The Judgement House

finalcolorlogofordownloadEvery October a few things really irritate me. One is how Pink has overtaken Oranges and Browns as the color of the month. I’m all for Breast Cancer awareness but let’s pick another month that has no traditional color choice. June, August, September…I’m looking at you.

The second is that over the last decade or so there has been a concerted effort to ignore Halloween. Sure there are still some Halloween specials on TV but the majority of schools and public events have all transformed traditional Halloween parties to “Fall Festivals”. Some Churches call their Halloween Carnivals “Holyween”. We still have candy, Jack-O-Lanterns, costumes, and such, but don’t dare call it Halloween. I’ve reverted to calling them fail festivals. I mean who are we kidding.

Lastly a lot of our local churches take the opportunity that October provides to stage elaborate plays that are designed to attract people who like to be scared, in hopes to scare them into salvation. I think Jesus himself would be embarrassed and possibly angered by this. I’m no saint but if you need to scare someone to salvation, it’s not salvation worth having.

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